LootSwap Community Guild Party!

LootSwap Finance
4 min readJul 7, 2021


07JUN21 we will be launching 4 community GUILD tokens onto the market! The timeline for tomorrow’s events is in CST:

0900 — TROLL<>LOOT pairing

1200 — NECRO<>LOOT pairing

1500 — ARB<>LOOT pairing

1800 — BARD<>LOOT pairing

Troll Guild

Troll $TROLL Contract: 0x25dceE96FCD63Ad88B812cCE02b3Fcf7d1504F2D

Max Cap: 444,444,444

Initial mint: 8,888,888


You can read more about TROLL Guild here:

Telegram: https://t.me/trollguild

Necromancer’s Guild

Telegram: https://t.me/necromancerguild

Necromancer $NECRO Contract: 0x9fe8a9A6B4Af9BD656B0295bd5Ad4A65b37165aC

Max Supply: 250,000,000

Initial Mint: 7,836,477


You can read more about Necromancer Guild here:

Arbiter’s Guild

Arbiter $ARB Address: 0x044246137670A03ca790D7ED20AF0C552c88117c

Max Supply: 88,888,888

Initial Mint: 8,888,888


You can read more about them here:


Telegram: https://t.me/arbitersguild

Bard’s Guild

Bard $BARD Address: 0x69f4e54C666f7DDaf66D11876f557EC21cB65F35

Max Supply: 500,000,000

Initial Mint: 10,000,000 tokens


You can read more about them here:


Telegram: https://t.me/bardguild

LootSwap Quest Pool Allocations

Between 1200–2359 CST 07JUL21, we will be launching up 4 new LootSwap Quests with all the Community Official Partnership Guilds. These Guilds will start out at Level 3. In addition, the High Loot Council voted to down-level the XYA and WISB pairings.

Official Partners — Level 3

To become an OP Guild in the LootSwap ecosystem is an incredible feat and isn’t a ranking that we give lightly. We have decided to award each of these first four tokens as Official Partners level 3 — the highest and most coveted position. What does this mean? These guilds are launching with the highest expectations and standards — fair and decentralized. Specific things to highlight are:

  • The “Guild Leaders” are all replaceable. 2 of which are intern guild leaders until governance vote can occur.
  • There are no Founders Treasuries — Nothing that ties the community lead to the project if they decide to leave.
  • Every Guild Leader has been extremely active and has been working for the betterment of the Guild/LootSwap/Harmony.
  • 10% of the Initial Supply is being set aside for Single Staking Rewards (Stake LOOT for GUILD Tokens in a future date).
  • Each Guild will have their LP burnt and will be Rug-Proof.

LootSwap Provides

In order to show our appreciation and trust in these guilds, LootSwap is pairing their initial liquidity pools with 500,000 LOOT tokens each and burning the LP tokens. At the time of writing (.172 per LOOT), this provides every guild with about $80k worth of liquidity pre-launch. We decided to pursue this route for a couple of reasons:

  • This will give the tokens a more fair chance at launch to be more evenly distributed than the lucky person to get their transaction in first.
  • By using 2,000,000 LOOT tokens in liquidity, LootSwap is becoming more decentralized and more dependent on the GUILDs. Each of the Guilds help to modularize LootSwap more and this lowers the overall risk for the treasuries and helps build in more leadership/direction for the project.
  • This gives the Guilds more value in terms of APR which will help them bring value back to LootSwap/Harmony Protocol
  • By committing to these Initial Community Guilds, we hope they can accomplish parts of our road map which will help us to get to our desired end state at a quicker rate which will bring more value back to the LOOTers.

